Artisan Wine Review
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Our Tasting Panel

Six of the eight members in our wine tasting panel work in different aspects of the industry.
  • Wine Retailer
  • Sommelier
  • Wine Importer
  • Acclaimed Chef
  • Winemaker
  • Restauranteur
Each member has over two decades of experience in their respective field.   They all share a passion for wines that are crafted by true artisans and would like to bring their own perspectives to the art of reviewing wines.
Members get together about twice each month to share a meal and evaluate a few bottles of wine.   We use a group ratings formula that discards the highest and lowest scores awarded in each tasting category, then we average out what remains and publish the results on this website.
Our members have chosen to remain anonymous so as to not have their relaxing social activity interfered with by people whose attentions would turn our wine reviews into something that would feel more like a serious business venture and less like the enjoyable pastime that it now is.
Since everyone's flavor appreciation is slightly different, we recommend that you try a few of the wines that we've reviewed
and see how your own palate matches up to ours.   Then you will know how much weight you should be giving to our reviews and, hopefully, begin to trust your own palate.
We also hope that along with our tasting notes, you find the other information we've provided useful in helping you to develop a more discerning ability for evaluating the nuances of aroma and flavor in wine.


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